About us
Брой 02, 2001 година
Български лекар
Текущ брой
About us

BULGARIAN PHYSICIAN is a professional monthly newspaper that targets the Medical Guild of the Bulgarian Physicians. With its more than 100 issues history it has established itself as a unique source for information and professional excellence for the Bulgarian medicine and medical industry.

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фичната книга
на д-р Тотко Найденов "Учуден от живота (наши идиоти от вчера и днес)"

It also serves the medical industry around the world with premium class advertising and marketing consulting for interested in presence in the Bulgarian market foreign companies. We have experienced professional that most probably have the answer for your question, related to invasion on the medical market in Bulgaria.

Our Graphics and Internet Production team is responsible for the lay-out of the newspaper and its online publishing. As you can see they have created a gorgeous website on a world-class level! ;-)

They can also do your site. We offer competitive prices and special discounts for physicians from Bulgaria and abroad! E-mail us with your inquiry and we will get back to you ASAP to discuss your questions.

Besides publishing the newspapers, Information and Advertising Agency Bulgarian Physician with its founder and manager Dr. Totko Naidenov, has established many traditions in the calendar of the Bulgarian Physicians' society.

Website design by NTS Communications